One of the greatest highlights during my 2 months holiday was the SIM RMIT Orientation Camp. I'm past that stage of being a freshie, so there i was - NOT a photographer or a Group Leader but a Game Master. Which was pretty boring because my game station was boring. But still, the overall rocked because the heavy downpour on the last day. We were all playing water bombs in the rain and kicking puddles of water at each other - like little kids.
This jacket is super cosy!
The whole marketing preparation robbed away quite a bit of my time and i had to attend meetings and go to work at the same time. Coming up next is the Annual Bash.
Party Animal with different group of friends but they were mainly my council mates.
Biggest group EVER, in the club. Plus i think that night's match was Argentina VS Germany.
Attended Birthday Parties but i manage to only dig out photos of 2 parties.
Jacqueline's 21st at Tapestry Room
Saw my NP Vball Juniors. Miss them!
Anson's 18th Birthday at ECP. Totally forgot that she was so young lo.
Brother flew off a month plus ago to LA for some attachment program. He seems to be doing fine there and earning quite a bit. haha! No one's around to disturb me anymore. But we still skype often online.
Attended Isaac's and Edwin's Graduation and its been 1 year since i graduated! *thinking back* A normal day, just from a different perspective.
Sweeeeeeetieeeee pie came back for a short 3 weeks and i only manage to meet her ones cause partly our timings couldnt match! Hope she's all well and recharged back in Sydney. Gonna wait for donkey months before i see her again. SIGH! But it was a great night spent at H.V's Coffee Bean with Ben and Gin because we had the usual Gin the Joker.
Before i end off, I attended the Singapore Art Festival with Isaac and they displayed some fire display along boat quay. It was super hot! but i think some of the displays were really pretty.
Here i am, gonna sign off! Got to get my ass to school for 830 class. But on the happier note - I just had dinner with D.A.N last night and i FINALLY signed dataplan for my mobile line. LOL! It just means more twittering and online games for me! hehe.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Celebration, Family, HYSS, Innocent Turns Wild, Myself, RMIT-SC, Volleyball
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